CompleteCloud vs. GCC High


One of our clients is a diversified solutions provider for the aerospace and defense industries. They employ stringent controls and lean manufacturing practices to deliver certified, flight critical components that exceed exacting quality, cost and delivery standards. From precision manufacturing to innovative engineering services, this aerospace manufacturing company is the partner of choice for a wide range of aerospace and defense applications.

When the owners acquired the company in 2007, they were facing a challenging turnaround project. There were many issues with the company varying from internal manufacturing operations and infrastructure to external account related issues. As they built a plan to turn the company around, they identified their IT infrastructure as strategic in their turnaround efforts, yet not core to their business. They needed a solution in place fast so they could focus their energy on improving manufacturing processes and enhancing client relationships.

The current IT infrastructure had a long list of issues:

  • Outdated hardware
  • Patchwork network
  • Part-time/non-skilled IT support
  • Expensive external IT consultants
  • No backup
  • No off-site storage
  • No disaster recovery


The company decided to go with Avatara's CompleteCloud Platform. They were able to avoid the capital expenditure while completely rebuilding their IT infrastructure. Their new infrastructure was built in a secure enterprise data center, which was critical due to the sensitivity of their client base being a Department of Defense supplier. They addressed the computing needs of their diverse 70 employees, varying from assembly line terminals to manufacturing engineers. They also checked the box on off-site backup and disaster recovery, which was important to them and their clients.


This client has now been on Avatara's CompleteCloud Platform for seven years. They have grown to more than 170 employees in two locations. What was once a turnaround project is now a thriving enterprise.

“Our IT just works; it is reliable and secure and allows us to run our business effectively. I am a financially driven business owner and I have done cost comparisons 4-5 times over the last seven years; I cannot find a more cost-effective solution.”

- CEO of Client Company