

Our client has been providing quality banking services to the St. Louis area since 2005. Their mission focuses on quality service to their customers, support to employees, return to their shareholders, and a positive impact in their community. This mission has allowed them to expand to four locations throughout the St. Louis area. After operating with an in-house IT solution for the past 12 years, the bank decided that in order to continue to grow as a company, they needed a change in the technology they were using;

CompleteCloud was that change.


Managed Security for Financial Institutions

Every bank and financial institution across the country has security and auditing concerns, our client was no different. They needed a way to increase their cyber security, while continuing to remain compliant with FDIC standards along with passing their annual audits.

By moving to CompleteCloud, the only completely private and secure by design platform in the industry, they were able to increase security with:

  • All of the bank's data was moved to secure Data Centers in St. Louis, which provides 24x7 security guards, video surveillance, and restricted biometric access
  • Multi-Factor Authentication for mobile users
  • Anti-malware for both server and workstations
  • Active security with host based intrusion detection, periodic internal and external vulnerability scans, and real-time log review and retention for compliance reports
  • DNS filtering for malware and content filtering for general corporate purposes
  • Encrypted email and file sharing


Improving Productivity. Increasing Efficiency.

Enhanced Compliance Reporting

Because of CompleteCloud, the bank was more confident than ever in meeting their compliance standards. Now, the bank could pull reports that provide increased visibility into their infrastructure, enabling them to provide greater reporting capabilities than their previous IT environment. These reports cover everything from app infrastructure, to security overviews, or any changes made to user profiles.

Revolutionized Disaster Recovery

Each year, the bank ran a disaster recovery scenario that consisted of physically uploading data to offsite servers. These tests were ran to ensure they were well prepared if anything ever happened to their building or data. With their data now housed on servers located in remote data centers, they simply have to log in at another location or on their secure mobile connection if disaster ever strikes.

Ease of Integration with Hardware and Software

By moving to CompleteCloud, the bank was able to replace all of their outdated hardware with new Windows virtual desktops. With hardware updated and data moved into their own private cloud environment, system capability and integration with Jack Henry, Calyx, LaserPro, and DepositPro work flawlessly.

Complete and Secure Mobility

On their previous system, the bank was unable to securely work off site and still meet compliance standards. Now that their data is no longer residing locally, users have the ability to work from home with no degradation in performance, while still meeting compliance standards because of Multi-Factor Authentication. CompleteCloud's mobility set the entire organization up for a successful transition to work from home during the COVID-19 crisis of 2020.

24x7 Support and System Transparency

Before CompleteCloud, the bank was splitting two of their employees' time to handle the IT support of their 60 employees. When the bank made the switch to CompleteCloud they upgraded to our 24x7 US-based Support. They average about 17 calls a month to our support team with 80% of those calls being answered in under a minute and 90% of those cases being resolved within 10 minutes.

With Avatara's Customer Portal they get complete transparency into how well their users are being supported. They can see information such as: how many support tickets are submitted, progress on current projects and new orders, and call data.

Improved Connectivity

With the bank's data centralized in their private cloud environment it took their three independent locations and made them function and work as fluidly as one single location. To enhance their performance and productivity even further, Avatara upgraded their main site to a direct fiber connection and took over managing and paying for their internet bill.